VHHK 섹터파일 매뉴얼

이 매뉴얼에는 IVAC1 홍콩 섹터 파일의 일반적인 디스플레이 기능이 포함되어 있습니다.
홍콩 지부에서 제공 한 색상파일을 사용하세요.

인근 공항 위치도 섹터 파일 내부에 정의되어 있으며 일부는 활주로가 포함되어 있습니다. 그러나 해당 공항 위치는 참조 용이므로 홍콩 FIR 외부의 특정 ATC 위치에 해당하는 섹터 파일을 다운로드해야합니다.
DisplayColour AT1Colour AT3Radar Control feature (Hong Kong FIR)Aerodrome feature
ARTCCYellowWhiteHong Kong FIR, TMA, APP boundaries;
Sector TRW, TRK, TRS;
Nearby FIRs boundaries.
High Sector (HS)Dashed BlueDashed PurpleSector APP/DEP/FAD for RWY 25
Sector TME, TMS, TMW;
Low Sector (LS)Dashed YellowDashed PurpleSector APP/DEP/FAD for RWY 07
Sector TME, TMS, TMW;
High airwaysCyanVioletThe airways outside the HKFIR boundary (such as Taipei and China FIRs)Parkings centerlines
Low airwaysBrownlish-yellowGreen-Taxiway/Taxilane centerlines
Standard Instructment
Departures (SIDs)
AmberGreen(Please click [Shift] + SID to select appropriate features)
All SIDs of Hong Kong FIR airports (VHHH, VHHX, VMMC);
All Terminal Transition Routes for Departures (V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V10,V11,V12,V31,V32);
Aerodrome Control Zones (CTR/UCARA/SKARA etc).
Standard Terminal
Arrival Routes (STARs)
GreenViolet(Please click [Shift] + STAR to select appropriate features)
All Instrument Approach Procedures of Hong Kong FIR airports (VHHH, VHHX, VMMC);
All STARs of Hong Kong FIR airports (VHHH, VHHX, VMMC);
All Holdings within Hong Kong TMA;
All Enroute transitions routes within Hong Kong FIR;
All Terminal Transition Routes for Arrivals (V511-V571, W28).

VHHK 섹터파일 변경로그

AIRACValid Date 발효일Editor 편집인Description 설명
19052019/05/12Jacky Wan1) Added Terminal Transition Routes V542 and V524
2) Updated VHHH Parking Stands Numbering (Phase 1)
3) Updated ARTCC, ARTCC High and ARTCC Low
4) Brand new color profile AT3
15122015/12/08Jacky Wan1) Added New Parking Stands, Taxiway and Taxilanes of the mid-field area
2) Added new Terminal Transition Routes to Connect RNAV 2 Route M503
15052015/04/29Dennis Lam1) Added Sanya FIR Airports and all related information
15042015/04/05Jacky Wan1) Updated VHHX Navadis with WGS84 coordinates
2) Updated IGS 13 & LLZ 16 Centerline (Thanks Ricardo Fresno Contreras)
15032015/02/09Dennis Lam1) Added ZGGG Runway 01/19
2) Added new Airway M503
3) Added HZMB HKBCF Reclamation Area
1501b2014/12/31Dennis Lam1) Added Macau Approaches fixes
2) Added VFR Entry/Exit Waypoints
3) Updated VHHH Taxiways N, P, T
4) Updated VHHH New Parking Stands
6) Added VMMC ATZ
15012014/12/26Dennis Lam1) Added new RNAV Y 07L/07R (effect after 07.02.2015)
2) Renamed RNAV 07L/07R to RNAV Z 07L/07R
3) Revised RNAV X/Y/Z 25L/25R
4) Revised RNAV(GNSS) 1G STARs
5) Necessary RNAV waypoints for new apps and arrs added
14042014/04/04Dennis Lam1) Updated Taxiways and Parkings of VHHH
2) TWYs/Gates added to VMMC/VHHX
3) VHHH SID/STAR added ( hardcoded as GEO )
4) Fixed all syntax errors ( transfer from VATSIM to IVAO )
14022014/02/06Jacky Wan1) Updated Taxiways and Parkings of VHHH, VHHX and VMMC.
14012014/01/09Jacky Wan1) Conversation of VATSIM VRC/Euroscope sct2 to IVAO IVAC sct file.
13122013/12/12Laurent Harri1) AIP A10/13
- Implementation of RNAV approach for Rwy : RNP 07R, RNP z 25L, RNP y 25L, RNP x 25R
2) AIP A12/13
- Implementation of RNAV STARs : ABBEY1G, BETTY1G, CANTO1G, SIERA1G,
for RWY RNAV RNP x 25R, RNAV RNP z 25L
13012013/10/01Laurent Harri1) AIP A13/12
- Implementation of Basic RNP1 SIDs, STARs procedures for VHHH and VMMC
- News TTR arrivals routes will be added (V511, V521, V531, V541, V541, V561, V571)
- Transit route A1/G581 -> A470 will be updated
2) Sector file is now valid for VRC and EUROSCOPE
3) New layout for the Hong Kong sector file release informations
13092013/09/19Laurent Harri1) AIP A06/13
- Deletion of obsolete waypoint "POKET"
2) AIP A13/12
- This STARs are withdrawn :
3) AIP Macao AMDT 01/13
- Updated all Macao STARs and SIDs and approach due to the implementation of Basic RNP1
13042013/04/04Laurent Harri1) AIP A02/13 (not applicable)
- Due to the Hong Kong airport scenerys non-updates, the taxiways names are not updated
2) AIP A03/13
- Establishment of new significant points : GODEN, OTKUM
- Establishment of new holding patterns for flights transiting Hong Kong FIR : GODEN, OTKUM, TAPPO
12082012/08/23Laurent Harri1) AIP A09/12
- EATON holding pattern will be change to 247 degrees
12072012/07/01Laurent Harri1) New VHHX arrivals STARs updated in Diagrams section -> STARs
2) Added in Diagrams section -> SIDs -> Hong kong radar terminal -> TMR (SOUTH/WEST/EAST)'
12062012/06/04Laurent Harri1) Implementation of a new Subdivision Airspace (TMR, APP, FAD, DEP, DEH, MCR AOR)
12042012/04/05Laurent Harri1) AIP A04/12
- New terminal transition route (TTR) W28, added in diagrams section -> "STARs"
bellow VHH/STARs
- New waypoint MEPUT will be added
- Names of STARs : DOTMI5A-4B and ELATO5A-4B will be updated
2) AIP A05/12
- New alternative holding Patterns BAKER, COMBI, MYWAY will be added
- New waypoints BAKER, COMBI, MYWAY will be added
- Names of STARs : IDOSI4A.B and SIKOU4A.B will be updated
- MYWAY waipoint will be incorporate in the IDOSI4A.B arrival
COMBI waipoint will be incorporate in the SIKOU4A.B arrival
3) Updated arrivals, departures and connecting routes in Guangzhou FIR
(V17, V18, V19, V21, V25, W20, W22, W130, W552, W553)
4) Updated ZGSZ SIDs and STARs
12022012/02/09Laurent Harri1) AIP 19/11
- Noise Mitigating RNAV (SID) utilising Radius-to-Fix Turn for Runways 07L/R
11092011/09/22Laurent Harri1) AIP amdt 08/11 AD2.8
- Stand N66 is Code F Parking bay
2) AIP A13/11
- Flight planned routes for flight transiting Hong Kong FIR to Shenzhen airport.
- Flight form Tabei FIR to Shenzhen airport should route via R200.
- Transiting Hong Kong FIR via A1/G581 is withdrawn.
- Revised transit route from SABNO, DUMOL, IDOSI, SIKOU to Shenzhen.
- New waypoint will be added : GOBBI, LANDA.
3) AIP A14/11
- Revised SID and STAR procedure for Macao International Airport.
11072011/07/05Laurent Harri1) AIP 07/11
- Updated division airspace in Hong Kong FIR (Radar, Terminal, Approach, Departure sectors ;Boundaries)
11062011/06/02Laurent Harri1) AIP 01/11
- UJ NDB and GURIN FIX are relocated.
- STARs BIGRO6A and BIGRO9A will be modified.
- ILS rwy 34 and LLZ rwy 16 approach are adapted.
11042011/04/07Laurent Harri1) AIP 02/11
- New STAR procedures for VHHH arrivals :
- New holding patterns : BETTY, DOVAR, HOCKY
- New waypoints for STARs will be added
- Some waypoints, holding patterns and STAR are withdrawn
2) AIP 03/11
- New STAR procedures for VMMC arrivals : CHALI2A-3B from inbound route A583
- New waypoints for STAR will be added : PUMPI waypoint will be withdrawn
3) AIP 04/11
- Revised flight planned routes for flights transiting Hong Kong FIR :
- Entry Route A461 from Manilla FIR to Macao international Airport is withdrawn
- New waypoints will be added
4) AIP 05/11
- Revised flight planned routes for flight transiting Hong Kong FIR to Guangzhou Airport
- Route A461 from Manilla FIR is withdrawn
- Entry routes from Manilla FIR is A583 SABNO-TAMOT
- New transit routes DUMOL/IDOSI/SABNO/SIKOU -> RAMOT
5) AIP 06/11
- Revised flight planned routes for flight transitint Hong Kong FIR to Shenzhen
- Route A461 from Manilla FIR is withdrawn
- Entry routes from Manilla FIR is A583 SABNO-BEKOL
- New transit routes DUMOL/IDOSI/SABNO/SIKOU -> BEKOL
6) AIP 07/11
- J103 will be revised, new waypoint TAPPO will be added, PUMPI waypoint will be withdrawn
7) AIP 08/11
- New RNAV route Q1 is established between DULOP and CARSO for flight arriving via M771/M772
11012011/01/05Laurent Harri1) AIP 13/10
- Update Hong Kong FIR transit routes.
10082010/08/10Laurent Harri1) AMD 08/10
- Update division airspace in Hong Kong FIR
2) AIP 08/10
- Update Taxiway and Parking code F aircraft
10062010/06/03Laurent Harri1) AIP 04/10
- Correct New STARs
2) AIP 05/10
- Correct ILS procedure for RWY07L/07R added holding pattern LIMES
3) AIP 06/10
- Added RNAV Approach procedures for RWY 07L/25R
4) Added VOR Approach procedures for RWY07L/25R
5) Added VMMC Circling Rwy 16
6) Added VMMC VFR Entry Sector
7) Rename VHST as Sky Shuttle Heliport VHSS
10042010/04/01Laurent Harri1) Added VHHH Taxiway And Parking Code F
2) Correct positioning of VMMT
3) Correct arrival to VMMT due to change of position
4) Correct positioning of ZAO VOR, LATOP FIX
5) Improve Coastline of Taipa and Coloane island
10032010/03/23Laurent Harri1) Added two Hainan restricted areas
2) Added airway W501,A577
3) Extended airway W6 to LATOP
4) Corrected Taipei FIR boundary
5) Renamed airway W71 to V12, W72 to V13
10022010/02/18Laurent Harri1) Deleted parkings N146-151
2) Added North Satellite
3) Added parkings N501-510
09102009/10/22Laurent Harri1) Added full 0910 VHHH and VMMC
2) Correct high airway R200, G221,W49
3) Improves the visual presentation of "diagramm"
4) Insert airport VHHH, VHHX
5) Added in diagrams section :
- in ATZ/CTR ZONES/UCARAs : split Ctl zone boundary and ctlzone subdivision
- Helicopter VHHH routes
- Helicopter VHHH landing areas
- Helicopter holding areas
- VFR holding Pattern
- VFR TMA Airspace
- Runway center lines for VHHX and VMMC rwy 34
- Radar minimum altitude
- VHHX rwy displaced threshold
- VHHX helicopter landing areas
6) VHHX Smoothing the paths for approach between MM13 and RWY
7) Improve VHHX taxiway center lines with taxiways hold
09082009/08/01Laurent Harri1) Correct north border FIR boundaries
2) Correct the CTR zone boundaries
3) Correct the UCARAs boundaries
4) Correct the south TMA boundaries
5) Improve coastline
6) Improve high airway lenght
7) Added a different background color outside the FIR
8) Added helipads at VHHX
9) High boudary display the three radar control areas
10) Static texte display CTR zone name , UCARAs, SKARA name and taxiway name
11) Added new J101 terminal route (AIP A13/09)
12) Correct VMMC SMT3A, SMT4B (AIP A13/09)
13) Correct ZGGG and ZGSZ STAR ELATO-DOTMI (AIP A13/09)
14) Correct transit routes DOTMI/ELATO - BEKOL via J101 (AIP A13/09)
15) Added VMMC holding pattern
16) VMMC rename the VOR DME16 to LLZ-DME16
17) Missed approach segment are displayed in the same manner as the SIDS
18) Added in diagrams section :
- The three radar control areas
- CTR zone
- Increase UCARAs zone
- Navigation warnings altitude
- Taxiway center line
- in "HKG CL" final approach fix
- Vectoring tool for VHHH, VMMC
- Spacing tool for VHHH rwy 07s and 25s
09052009/05/05Kelvin Siu1) Added VMMC and VHHX Holding points
2) Added VMMC and VHHX Limedings colour
3) Added Helicopter IFR and VFR routes
4) Added some ZGGG and ZGSZ VORs
5) Added VHHX taxiways
6) Added ZGSZ SIDs and STARs
7) Added ZGSZ fix KIBAS
8) Changed VMMC Ground Structure
9) Added Airport ZGSD
09042009/04/01Kelvin Siu1) Added VMMC RWY34 Centreline
2) Added ABBEY,DENIM,EATON,FISHA holding patterns
3) Added fixes ZUH27,D214M
4) Added NDB U
5) Added some exit-entry-point labels
6) VMMC SIDs BIGRO5D,9D route updated
7) VMMC STARs SMT3A,4B updated
8) Fixes PAPA,NLG14 position updated
9) Corrected RWY07R and 25L miss approach turning paths
10) Deleted fixes ASTRA,MELON
09032009/03/12Kelvin Siu1) Added new fixes SHELY,FISHA,ABBEY,MUSEL,NEDLE
2) VHHH SIDs LAKES updated
4) VHHH STAR ASTRA replaced by ABBEY
5) Added new maintenance parkings M23,M31,M32
6) Added new taxiway N1
7) VMMC SIDs SOUSA updated
8) VMMC STARs SMT3A,SMT4B updated
9) Deleted ASTRA holding pattern
10) Deleted VHHH old noise abatement SIDs
08122008/12/26Kelvin Siu1) Added new fix TAMAR
2) VHHH STARs updated
3) VMMC SIDs updated
4) Added VMMC taxiway C2,C3
5) Parkings N68,N70 exchanged
6) Parkings TW12 replaced by TW1,TW2
08072008/07/04Tony Wong1) Added new south runway rapid exits
2) Added new maintenance parkings
3) W12 replaced by M501
4) VHHX STAR updated
08012008/01/26Tony Wong1) Deleted All DAGON related routes and fixes,rReplace with new airways and fixes
2) Added Worldwide airports
3) Added RUBIC and SIERA 3A/B/C/D arrivals
4) Change: VHHK Danger Area
07092007/08/30Tony Wong1) All DAGON related route are either marked with a '#' or red colored
2) Added geography of Shun Tak Centre, its heliport location moved accordingly
3) New Macau stands
4) New geography for north lantau, express way route added
5) SMT3A and SMT4B added. (API Supp 14/07)
6) ILS07L missed appr procedure fixed
07072007/07/05Tony Wong1) New: Checkerboard
2) New: APP/DEP Airspace
3) Kaitak Centerline
4) Kaitak Parkings
5) Hong Kong Int'l G-N connection
07062007/06/07Tony Wong1) New: Transition routes (AIP Supp 12/07)
2) New: ZGGG/ZGSZ Arrival routes
3) Change: Implementation of new noise abatement SIDs
07052007/05/10Tony Wong1) New: Runway center line
2) New: Holding patterns
4) New: Kai Tak SIDs
5) Smoothing the paths of some procedures
6) Ground Limedings update as per AIP amdt
07042007/04/12Tony Wong1) Reformat SID/STAR display
2) New cargo apron and taxiways (AIP Supp. A06/0
07032007/03/15Tony Wong1) Added taxiway J1, rename old J1 to H1(AIP Sup A02/07)
2) Added Macau A, B taxiway line
3) Added new noise-mitigation SIDs (AIP Sup A04/07)
4) New Taipei FIR transition routes
07022007/02/15Tony Wong1) Added some W routes in ZGZU.
2) TAMOT IDUMA named W86
3) DALBA becomes DONDA, M771 affected (ref ZJSA NOTAM A4859/06)
06122006/11/22Tony Wong1) Moved default center so as to facilitate "3D view" center
2) TW123 -> TW12 (AIP Amdt 0612)
3) New format of sector: .sct2 (VRC 1.1)
4) Apron and Limeding shading in [REGIONS]
5) VFR zone boundaries become clearer
6) Kai Tak Inboard STARS added
06112006/10/28Tony Wong1) Some minor changes to Macau SIDs
2) Sector center moved to VHHH
3) VHHH ground holding points added
4) SIDs added TD radial 296, RAMEN
5) Update OPINA1A/C to RASSE2A/C
6) Refer to AIP Supplement 17/06
7) Removal of some useless fixes
8) (Tower only) Mag Var changed
06102006/09/18Tony Wong1) Update RASSE2A/C to OPINA1A/C
06092006/09/07Tony Wong1) Remake of VHHH taxiways/aprons/parkings/Limedings (not all!)
2) VHHH runways calibrated
3) "Runway NDBs" are added to STARS to give better visual
4) NDB '07R' and '25L' relocated
5) Added and changed some VHHX taxiway
6) [INFO] changed
06082006/07/22Jacky Wan1) Many updates to the sector file .
06072006/06/22Jacky Wan1) Many updates to the sector file .
06062006/05/31Jacky Wan1) Many updates to the sector file .
0605b2006/05/27Jacky Wan1) Many updates to the sector file .
06052006/05/07Jacky Wan1) Many updates to the sector file .
06042006/04/14Jacky Wan1) Many updates to the sector file .
0603b2006/03/26Jacky Wan1) Many updates to the sector file .
06032006/03/14Jacky Wan1) Many updates to the sector file .
05042005/04/26Gary Law1) Many updates to the sector file .